Practical session 2: BanditsΒΆ
Let's start by loading all the required libraries for this notebook.
import time
import numpy as np
from random import choice
from typing import Sequence, Tuple
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
np.random.seed(64) # Fixing the seed for reproducibility
import warnings
In the context of clinical trials, Phase I trials are the first stage of testing in human subjects. Their goal is to evaluate the safety (and feasibility) of the treatment and identify its side effects. The aim of a phase I dose-finding study is to determine the most appropriate dose level that should be used in further phases of the clinical trials. Traditionally, the focus is on determining the highest dose with acceptable toxicity called the Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD).
A dose-finding study involves a number K of dose levels that have been chosen by physicians based on preliminary experiments (K is usually a number between 3 and 10). Denoting by $p_k$ the (unknown) toxicity probability of dose $k$, the Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) is defined as the dose with a toxicity probability closest to a target:
\begin{align} k^* \in \underset{k\in\{1,\dots,K\}}{\mathrm{argmin}}|\theta - p_k| \end{align}
where $\theta$ is the pre-specified targeted toxicity probability (typically between 0.2 and 0.35). A MTD identification algorithm proceeds sequentially: at round $t$ a dose $D_t \in \{1, \dots , K\}$ is selected and administered to a patient for whom a toxicity response is observed. A binary outcome $X_t$ is revealed where $X_t = 1$ indicates that a harmful side-effect occurred and $X_t = 0$ indicates that no harmful side-effect occurred. We assume that $X_t$ is drawn from a Bernoulli distribution with mean $p_{D_t}$ and is independent from previous observations.
Hint: In this example, the reward definition is a bit different from the usual case. We would like to take the arm with minimum $|\theta - \hat{p}_k|$ where $\hat{p}_k$ is the estimated toxicity probability.
Most of the class has been written. Complete the pull method in such a way that:
1. Update both num_dose_selected
and num_toxic
2. Compute and return the reward $-|\theta - \hat{p}_k|$ where $\hat{p}_k$ is the estimated toxicity probability of arm $k$.
class Bandit(object):
def __init__(self,
n_arm: int = 2,
n_pulls: int = 2000,
actual_toxicity_prob: list = [0.4, 0.6],
theta: float = 0.3,
self.n_arm = n_arm
self.n_pulls = n_pulls
self.actual_toxicity_prob = actual_toxicity_prob
self.theta = theta
def init_bandit(self):
Pessimistic initializaiton
self.num_dose_selected = np.array([0]*self.n_arm) # number of times a dose is selected
self.num_toxic = np.array([0]*self.n_arm) # number of times a does found to be toxic
def pull(self, a_idx: int):
a_idx: Index of action.
rew: reward value.
assert a_idx < self.n_arm, "invalid action index"
# ----------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------
return rew
### Solution:
class Bandit(object):
def __init__(self,
n_arm: int = 2,
n_pulls: int = 2000,
actual_toxicity_prob: list = [0.4, 0.6],
theta: float = 0.3,
self.n_arm = n_arm
self.n_pulls = n_pulls
self.actual_toxicity_prob = actual_toxicity_prob
self.theta = theta
def init_bandit(self):
Initialize the bandit
self.num_dose_selected = np.array([0] * self.n_arm) # number of times a dose is selected
self.num_toxic = np.array([0] * self.n_arm) # number of times a dose is found to be toxic
def pull(self, a_idx: int):
a_idx: Index of action.
rew: reward value.
assert a_idx < self.n_arm, "invalid action index"
### Sampling the reward for actions
toxicity_outcome = np.random.binomial(1, self.actual_toxicity_prob[a_idx]) == 1
### Update the game
self.num_dose_selected[a_idx] += 1
if toxicity_outcome:
self.num_toxic[a_idx] += 1 ## Collecting reward if the action was successful
### Estimate the action value
estimated_toxicity_prob = np.where(
self.num_dose_selected > 0,
self.num_toxic / self.num_dose_selected,
0 # If a dose is never selected no toxicity observed
# Compute reward
reward = -abs(self.theta - estimated_toxicity_prob[a_idx])
return reward
# Test
bandit = Bandit()
reward = bandit.pull(1)
print(f"Reward: {reward}")
Reward: -0.7
# Setup 3 dose levels
bandit = Bandit(n_arm=3, actual_toxicity_prob=[0.2, 0.35, 0.5], theta=0.3)
# Third dose
reward = bandit.pull(1)
print(f"Reward: {reward}")
Reward: -0.3
Fixing the setting for the rest of the practical sessionΒΆ
Let's define a dose finding study with three doses ($K = 3$) where you need to choose from with actual_toxicity_prob=[0.1, 0.35, 0.8]
and targeted toxicity probability is $\theta = 0.3$.
###Problem definition
bandit = Bandit(n_arm=3, n_pulls=2000, actual_toxicity_prob=[0.1, 0.35, 0.8], theta=0.3)
def eps_greedy(
bandit: Bandit,
eps: float,
init_q: float = .0
) -> Tuple[list, list, list]:
bandit: A bandit problem, instantiated from the above class.
eps: The epsilon value.
init_q: Initial estimation of each arm's value.
rew_record: The record of rewards at each timestep.
avg_ret_record: The average of rewards up to step t, where t goes from 0 to n_pulls. For example: If
we define `ret_T` = \sum^T_{t=0}{r_t}, `avg_ret_record` = ret_T / (1+T).
tot_reg_record: The regret up to step t, where t goes from 0 to n_pulls.
opt_action_perc_record: Percentage of optimal arm selected.
# initialize q values
q = np.array([init_q]*bandit.n_arm, dtype=float)
ret = .0
rew_record = []
avg_ret_record = []
tot_reg_record = []
opt_action_perc_record = []
for t in range(bandit.n_pulls):
# ----------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------
return rew_record, avg_ret_record, tot_reg_record, opt_action_perc_record
### Solution
def eps_greedy(bandit, eps):
Perform epsilon-greedy strategy on the given bandit.
bandit: Bandit object
eps: Epsilon value for exploration
rew_rec: list of rewards at each step
avg_ret_rec: list of average returns at each step
tot_reg_rec: list of cumulative regrets at each step
opt_act_rec: list of percentage optimal actions at each step
rew_rec = []
avg_ret_rec = []
tot_reg_rec = []
opt_act_rec = []
n_pulls = bandit.n_pulls
# Convert actual toxicity probabilities to a NumPy array for numerical operations
actual_toxicity_prob = np.array(bandit.actual_toxicity_prob)
opt_arm = np.argmin(np.abs(actual_toxicity_prob - bandit.theta))
cumulative_reward = 0
optimal_action_count = 0
cumulative_regret = 0
# Initialize estimated probabilities and counts
estimated_probs = np.zeros(bandit.n_arm)
for t in range(n_pulls):
# Exploration vs Exploitation
if np.random.rand() < eps: # Exploration
arm = np.random.randint(0, bandit.n_arm)
else: # Exploitation
arm = np.argmin(np.abs(estimated_probs - bandit.theta))
# Pull the arm and get the reward
reward = bandit.pull(arm)
# Update cumulative reward and regret
cumulative_reward += reward
if arm == opt_arm:
optimal_action_count += 1
regret = abs(bandit.theta - actual_toxicity_prob[opt_arm]) - abs(bandit.theta - actual_toxicity_prob[arm])
cumulative_regret += regret
# Update estimated probabilities using running average
if bandit.num_dose_selected[arm] > 0:
estimated_probs[arm] = bandit.num_toxic[arm] / bandit.num_dose_selected[arm]
# Record metrics
avg_ret_rec.append(cumulative_reward / (t + 1))
opt_act_rec.append(optimal_action_count / (t + 1))
return rew_rec, avg_ret_rec, tot_reg_rec, opt_act_rec
Q1.b2: Plotting the resultsΒΆ
Use the driver code provided to plot:
(1) The average return
(2) The reward
(3) the total regret
(4) the percentage of optimal action across the $N$=20 runs as a function of the number of pulls (2000 pulls for each run) for all three $\epsilon$ values of 0.5, 0.1, and 0.
plt.xlabel("n pulls")
plt.ylabel("avg return")
plt.xlabel("n pulls")
plt.xlabel("n pulls")
plt.ylabel("total regret")
plt.xlabel("n pulls")
plt.ylabel("% optimal action")
N = 20
tot_reg_rec_best = 1e8
for eps in [0.5, 0.1, .0]:
rew_rec = np.zeros(bandit.n_pulls)
avg_ret_rec = np.zeros(bandit.n_pulls)
tot_reg_rec = np.zeros(bandit.n_pulls)
opt_act_rec = np.zeros(bandit.n_pulls)
start_time = time.time()
for n in range(N):
rew_rec_n, avg_ret_rec_n, tot_reg_rec_n, opt_act_rec_n = eps_greedy(bandit, eps)
rew_rec += np.array(rew_rec_n)
avg_ret_rec += np.array(avg_ret_rec_n)
tot_reg_rec += np.array(tot_reg_rec_n)
opt_act_rec += np.array(opt_act_rec_n)
end_time = time.time()
# print(f"time per run: {end_time - start_time}/N")
# take the mean
rew_rec /= N
avg_ret_rec /= N
tot_reg_rec /= N
opt_act_rec /= N
plt.plot(avg_ret_rec, label="eps={}".format(eps))
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
plt.plot(rew_rec[1:], label="eps={}".format(eps))
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
plt.plot(tot_reg_rec, label="eps={}".format(eps))
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
plt.plot(opt_act_rec, label="eps={}".format(eps))
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
if tot_reg_rec[-1] < tot_reg_rec_best:
ep_greedy_dict = {
tot_reg_rec_best = tot_reg_rec[-1]
Explain the results from the perspective of exploration and how different $\epsilon$ values affect the results.
Q1.b4: Optimistic Initial ValuesΒΆ
We want to run the optimistic initial value method on the same problem described above for the initial q values of -1 and +1 for all arms. Compare its performance, measured by the average reward across $N$=20 runs as a function of the number of pulls, with the non-optimistic setting with initial q values of 0 for all arms. For both optimistic and non-optimistic settings, $\epsilon$=0.
plt.xlabel("n pulls")
plt.ylabel("avg return")
plt.xlabel("n pulls")
plt.xlabel("n pulls")
plt.ylabel("total regret")
N = 20
for init_q in [-1, 1]:
rew_rec = np.zeros(bandit.n_pulls)
avg_ret_rec = np.zeros(bandit.n_pulls)
for n in range(N):
rew_rec_n, avg_ret_rec_n, tot_reg_rec_n, opt_act_rec_n = eps_greedy(bandit, eps=0.0, init_q=init_q)
rew_rec += np.array(rew_rec_n)
avg_ret_rec += np.array(avg_ret_rec_n)
tot_reg_rec += np.array(tot_reg_rec_n)
avg_ret_rec /= N
rew_rec /= N
tot_reg_rec /= N
plt.plot(avg_ret_rec[1:], label="q_init_val={}".format(init_q))
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
plt.plot(rew_rec[1:], label="q_init_val={}".format(init_q))
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
plt.plot(tot_reg_rec[1:], label="q_init_val={}".format(init_q))
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
### Solution
def optimism(bandit, eps, init_q):
Perform epsilon-greedy strategy with optional optimistic initial values.
bandit: Bandit object
eps: Epsilon value for exploration
init_q: Initial value for estimated rewards (optimistic or non-optimistic)
rew_rec: list of rewards at each step
avg_ret_rec: list of average returns at each step
tot_reg_rec: list of cumulative regrets at each step
opt_act_rec: list of percentage optimal actions at each step
rew_rec = []
avg_ret_rec = []
tot_reg_rec = []
opt_act_rec = []
n_pulls = bandit.n_pulls
actual_toxicity_prob = np.array(bandit.actual_toxicity_prob)
opt_arm = np.argmin(np.abs(actual_toxicity_prob - bandit.theta))
cumulative_reward = 0
optimal_action_count = 0
cumulative_regret = 0
# Initialize estimated probabilities with optimistic or non-optimistic values
estimated_probs = np.full(bandit.n_arm, init_q)
for t in range(n_pulls):
# Exploration vs Exploitation
if np.random.rand() < eps: # Exploration
arm = np.random.randint(0, bandit.n_arm)
else: # Exploitation
arm = np.argmin(np.abs(estimated_probs - bandit.theta))
# Pull the arm and get the reward
reward = bandit.pull(arm)
# Update cumulative reward and regret
cumulative_reward += reward
if arm == opt_arm:
optimal_action_count += 1
regret = abs(bandit.theta - actual_toxicity_prob[opt_arm]) - abs(bandit.theta - actual_toxicity_prob[arm])
cumulative_regret += regret
# Update estimated probabilities using running average
if bandit.num_dose_selected[arm] > 0:
estimated_probs[arm] = bandit.num_toxic[arm] / bandit.num_dose_selected[arm]
# Record metrics
avg_ret_rec.append(cumulative_reward / (t + 1))
opt_act_rec.append(optimal_action_count / (t + 1))
return rew_rec, avg_ret_rec, tot_reg_rec, opt_act_rec
plt.xlabel("n pulls")
plt.ylabel("avg return")
plt.xlabel("n pulls")
plt.xlabel("n pulls")
plt.ylabel("total regret")
N = 20
for init_q in [-1, 1, 0]: # Testing optimistic (+1), pessimistic (-1), and non-optimistic (0)
rew_rec = np.zeros(bandit.n_pulls)
avg_ret_rec = np.zeros(bandit.n_pulls)
tot_reg_rec = np.zeros(bandit.n_pulls)
for n in range(N):
rew_rec_n, avg_ret_rec_n, tot_reg_rec_n, opt_act_rec_n = optimism(bandit, eps=0.0, init_q=init_q)
rew_rec += np.array(rew_rec_n)
avg_ret_rec += np.array(avg_ret_rec_n)
tot_reg_rec += np.array(tot_reg_rec_n)
avg_ret_rec /= N
rew_rec /= N
tot_reg_rec /= N
# Plot average return
plt.plot(avg_ret_rec, label="q_init_val={}".format(init_q))
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
# Plot rewards
plt.plot(rew_rec, label="q_init_val={}".format(init_q))
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
# Plot total regret
plt.plot(tot_reg_rec, label="q_init_val={}".format(init_q))
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
Explain how initial q values affect the exploration and the performance.
Upper confidence bound arm selectionΒΆ
def ucb(
bandit: Bandit,
c: float,
init_q: float = .0
) -> Tuple[list, list, list]:
bandit: A bandit problem, instantiated from the above class.
c: The additional term coefficient.
init_q: Initial estimation of each arm's value.
rew_record: The record of rewards at each timestep.
avg_ret_record: The average summation of rewards up to step t, where t goes from 0 to n_pulls. For example: If
we define `ret_T` = \sum^T_{t=0}{r_t}, `avg_ret_record` = ret_T / (1+T).
tot_reg_record: The regret up to step t, where t goes from 0 to n_pulls.
opt_action_perc_record: Percentage of optimal arm selected.
# init q values (the estimates)
q = np.array([init_q]*bandit.n_arm, dtype=float)
ret = .0
rew_record = []
avg_ret_record = []
tot_reg_record = []
opt_action_perc_record = []
for t in range(bandit.n_pulls):
# Assuming to take the first arm always when there is no exploration
# ----------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------
return rew_record, avg_ret_record, tot_reg_record, opt_action_perc_record
### Solution
def ucb(
bandit: Bandit,
c: float,
init_q: float = 0.0
) -> Tuple[list, list, list, list]:
bandit: A bandit problem, instantiated from the above class.
c: The exploration coefficient.
init_q: Initial estimation of each arm's value.
rew_record: The record of rewards at each timestep.
avg_ret_record: The average summation of rewards up to step t, where t goes from 0 to n_pulls.
tot_reg_record: The regret up to step t, where t goes from 0 to n_pulls.
opt_action_perc_record: Percentage of optimal arm selected.
# Initialize Q values, counts, and metrics
q = np.array([init_q] * bandit.n_arm, dtype=float) # Estimated values of each arm
n_a = np.zeros(bandit.n_arm) # Number of times each arm has been pulled
ret = 0.0 # Cumulative reward
rew_record = [] # Reward at each time step
avg_ret_record = [] # Average return at each time step
tot_reg_record = [] # Cumulative regret at each time step
opt_action_perc_record = [] # Percentage of optimal actions
# Determine the optimal arm
actual_toxicity_prob = np.array(bandit.actual_toxicity_prob)
opt_arm = np.argmin(np.abs(actual_toxicity_prob - bandit.theta))
optimal_action_count = 0 # Counter for the number of times the optimal arm is selected
cumulative_regret = 0.0 # Cumulative regret
for t in range(bandit.n_pulls):
# Select the arm using the UCB formula
if t < bandit.n_arm:
# Initially pull each arm once to ensure they all have counts > 0
arm = t
# Compute UCB values
ucb_values = q + c * np.sqrt(np.log(t + 1) / (n_a + 1e-5))
arm = np.argmax(ucb_values)
# Pull the selected arm and observe the reward
reward = bandit.pull(arm)
# Update the counts and Q values for the selected arm
n_a[arm] += 1
q[arm] += (reward - q[arm]) / n_a[arm]
# Update cumulative reward and regret
ret += reward
regret = abs(bandit.theta - actual_toxicity_prob[opt_arm]) - abs(bandit.theta - actual_toxicity_prob[arm])
cumulative_regret += regret
# Track optimal arm selection
if arm == opt_arm:
optimal_action_count += 1
# Record metrics
avg_ret_record.append(ret / (t + 1))
opt_action_perc_record.append(optimal_action_count / (t + 1))
return rew_record, avg_ret_record, tot_reg_record, opt_action_perc_record
rew_rec, avg_ret_rec, tot_reg_rec, opt_act_rec = ucb(bandit, c=2.0, init_q=0.0)
Q1.c2: Plotting the resultsΒΆ
Use the driver code provided to plot: (1) The average return, (2) The reward, (3) the total regret, and (4) the percentage of optimal action across the $N$=20 runs as a function of the number of pulls (2000 pulls for each run) for three values of $c$=0, 0.5, and 2.0.
plt.xlabel("n pulls")
plt.ylabel("avg return")
plt.xlabel("n pulls")
plt.xlabel("n pulls")
plt.ylabel("total regret")
plt.xlabel("n pulls")
plt.ylabel("% optimal action")
N = 20
tot_reg_rec_best = 1e8
for c in [.0, 0.5, 2]:
rew_rec = np.zeros(bandit.n_pulls)
avg_ret_rec = np.zeros(bandit.n_pulls)
tot_reg_rec = np.zeros(bandit.n_pulls)
opt_act_rec = np.zeros(bandit.n_pulls)
for n in range(N):
rew_rec_n, avg_ret_rec_n, tot_reg_rec_n, opt_act_rec_n = ucb(bandit, c)
rew_rec += np.array(rew_rec_n)
avg_ret_rec += np.array(avg_ret_rec_n)
tot_reg_rec += np.array(tot_reg_rec_n)
opt_act_rec += np.array(opt_act_rec_n)
# take the mean
rew_rec /= N
avg_ret_rec /= N
tot_reg_rec /= N
opt_act_rec /= N
plt.plot(avg_ret_rec, label="c={}".format(c))
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
plt.plot(rew_rec, label="c={}".format(c))
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
plt.plot(tot_reg_rec, label="c={}".format(c))
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
plt.plot(opt_act_rec, label="c={}".format(c))
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
if tot_reg_rec[-1] < tot_reg_rec_best:
ucb_dict = {
tot_reg_rec_best = tot_reg_rec[-1]
Q1.c3: AnalysisΒΆ
Explain the results from the perspective of exploration and how different $c$ values affect the results.